Vending for the Future.

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Learn More

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Solid Circle

We're a company wanting to create passive income for your business.

Our State of The Art Vending Machines are sure to not only catch the attention of you & your team but most importantly your customers!

We provide the Machine, Maintenance, Fulfillment, Payment, Employees, Purchasing and all things Vending with No Cost to you.

Instead we pay your business every month.

Seriously. Every. Month.

(like really)

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Meet Our Machines

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Drink options


Snack options

"Quick Bites Classic"

(Also known as our smallest Combo Machine)

A not so big machine with a lot to choose from!


32 inches



30 inches

75 inches

Drinks Only

25 Drink options


26 Drink options

19 Snack options



"Ultimate Cashless Machine"

(Also known as our Beverage Only Machine)

A beautiful machine that's dimensions are unbelievable!

24 inches

32 inches

"Complete Machine"

(Also known as our Combo Machine)

A large machine that provides a lot of options!


41 inches


30 inches


75 inches


75 inches

Cash? No Thanks.

We use a top of the line card payment system on most all of our machines. The Nayax VPOS system is amazing & super fast when processing payments. Your customers will love it.

(Not to brag but ours already do.)

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What's the catch?

Hmmm, you got us. A company designed to add "passive income" to my store front I've had for years? With no cost to me or my business?

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We get it, it sounds like a ....

But, we promise, you're awake & this isn't a dream. We really do all of the leg work of having a beautiful Vending Machine generating passive income for your company, so you don't have to.

We want to get inside your business.

Your company that is. If you have the type of company we're looking for, we want to put our machines in there. Don't wait for us to find you. Call or E-Mail us, we will respond, because vending is what we do.

Purple, Red and Orange Radial Gradient Illustration

Let's place one of our

in your business instead.

Classic Candy Machines


Smaller Business?


We Don't Mind.


Connect with us

(We're kinda great)

Call: (208) 917 - 0073


Follow Us?

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Don't have a store front?

Pssst... That's okay.

We take on investors all the time & we pay them back handsomely for it too. You may E-mail us as well & we'll send you everything you need to know about how your investment could provide you with the same passive income.

© 2023 Quick Bites. All Rights Reserved.